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Секс - это не повод для знакомства.

Секс- это хороший повод для знакомства.

Путь к сердцу женщины не должен лежать.

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Секс не важнее бутерброда. Но если у вас до вечера не было ни крошки во рту, бутерброд исключительно важен (Ян Дьюри).

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Zagadka, 39 - 7 мая 2009 10:50

It was a cold windy evening of late autumn. The fallen leaves of maples and poplars were flying round in the air. It was drizzling. Gray clouds were hanging over the city. And it started to darken.
He was sitting all alone on the bench in the middle of a park and smoking. His hear were wet, his frozen fingers hardly held a cigarette but he didn't care about it. If downpour started he would continue sitting here and thinking of Her.
He couldn't understand how all things had gone so far that He could do nothing with his love and all the time He thought only of Her. It was a secret for him how their love, moreover their mutual love, could lead to such misunderstanding because of which He and She were suffering for a several months. He wanted to solve this problem, to change the situation, but He didn't know how.
The memories were floating up in his mind. He remembered his happiness of hearing her words of love, his heartbeat every time when he received her SMS. But something had happened and everything went the wrong way. And He could understand nothing. It would be a pleasure, if He received her SMS or heard her voice at that very moment. He was thinking of it and suddenly felt that his eyes were filled up with tears.
He couldn't realize that she didn't love Him anymore. Moreover He knew that he couldn't ever afford to stop loving Her. And it hurt Him more and more. He didn't know how he could live without her love.
He wanted to run away from these thoughts, but he couldn't. And in despair he broke his useless pride and decided to call her up anyway.
He heard hooters and it made his heart thump and then he heard her "hallo". "...Sorry... but I love you" - he said with his trembling voice. It was everything he could tell. Next they fell into silence. At least, she said: "I love you too..." His soul filled up with happiness. He answered: "So why is everything like this? Why aren't we together now?"
- I don't know... - he heard in answer.
- Me too... but...
- Wait, just wait. And everything will be all right. - She interrupted him and turned her phone off.
Despite this odd situation he was happy again and the smile enlightened his face.
The darkness covered the park. He stood up from the bench, wrapped himself up well in the jacket, put his head in the collar and went along the alley straight to the only lightening street lamp.
He knew that She loved Him and the future would never make him suffer again...
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