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Путь к сердцу женщины не должен лежать.

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Секс не важнее бутерброда. Но если у вас до вечера не было ни крошки во рту, бутерброд исключительно важен (Ян Дьюри).

Сексу не прикажешь.

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Вояка, 35 - 1 апреля 2007 12:46

At the office
According to an old saying, you can judge the personality of an organization by the switchboard operator. Organizations, in the end, are people – people playing roles. The roles differ in many ways. A superior, for instance, may have far grater power and authority than subordinates. Those with the greatest authority are said to be at the top of the hierarchy. The hierarchy of authority also establishes a chain of command, the route by which instructions and communicated between employees – who you speak to, for instance, when a problem arises.
A hierarchy is actually composed of relationships between people. Those relationship are based, in part, on who holds the power to make decisions. Job descriptions usually mention these relationships. Sometimes, however, rank is communicated less formally. Either way, in order to communicate successfully with co-workers, it is important to recognize these relationships within the organization. Communication is a two-way-street. We listen and we speak. Listening well is as important as speaking clearly. If you have learned English as a foreign language and are working for a joint venture, your colleagues learn to understand your way of speaking. However, those who do not know you may not understand your pronunciation as easily. Fortunately, there are several quick ways to improve your pronunciation. First, remember to listen to yourself. Just remembering to speak carefully is a good start.
When giving information on the phone, remember to be especially clear. Speak slowly. Pronounce each word carefully, one sentence at a time. You will be amazed how much more easily you are understood. Good listeners listen actively. Then try to understand completely all that is being said. They make sure they understand. They are not afraid to ask questions. On the phone, for example, a good listener asks for details:
-will there be any charge for the workshop?
-No, it is free.
-How many hours will it take?
Three hours – from nine until noon.
Do you ask questions after listening? Asking questions is a sing that you are listening carefully.
After you have written down a phone message, read important details back to the caller.
-so the meeting starts at nine on Wednesday.
-Yes, quite right.
-Good. We’ll be there.
Checking details is a form of active listening. It is especially important to be accurate when taking message for other. Getting the message right in the first place is quicker and easier than calling back later for details. Message should be delivered promptly, especially when a message has been left to return a call. The original caller expects a reply. Calling back quickly shows courtesy.
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