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Секс - это не повод для знакомства.

Секс- это хороший повод для знакомства.

Путь к сердцу женщины не должен лежать.

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Секс не важнее бутерброда. Но если у вас до вечера не было ни крошки во рту, бутерброд исключительно важен (Ян Дьюри).

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Вояка, 35 - 1 апреля 2007 12:48

More often, however, conformity takes less obvious forms. Conformity might involve acting in an expected way that has never formally been demonstrated or discussed, such as treating customers with respect, for instance.

Working together and getting along with other is called cooperation. Cooperation builds friendships. Once you have cooperated with others, they are likely to cooperate with you. Cooperation depends on the ability to communicate with others, even at difficult moments. It is not always easy – for instance, when a supervisor makes a questionable decision, a decision with which you do not agree.
Cooperation, however, is part of keeping a worthwhile job; it is also an important step toward getting a better one. Gaining the cooperation of others is a key role of supervisors and managers. As a supervisors yourself, earning the cooperation of other employees may become the key to your success. Everyone can face competition in his or her lives.

For example, you have been a typist at a company for three years. An opening occurs for a promotion to a higher position. You apply and are considered, but do not get the job. It is given to a co-worker who was more recently hired and younger than you are. How will you speak to your supervisor about your feelings? Will you express your disappointment?
Will you request an explanation of the decision? Will you mention that you had more experience that others? Anyway, make it clear to your supervisor that you will continue to cooperate. Fair competition is a normal phenomenon in business. Live and learn, and next time you will be a success!

Our mental health is not less important than the physical one. Let us imagine the situation. The call is long distance. The caller is speaking quickly. She seems to be upset about something, but the connection is weak. You can hardly hear her.

-Madam, could you please speak up.
-I am speaking up.
-I can hardly hear you. Would you mind dialing again?
-I certainly won’t call again. This is long distance!

Your boss is beginning to look impatient. This is no time to make a mistake. He signs and bites his lower lip. You can tell by the caller’s short answers that she is becoming unhappy too. Let’s hope that this situation will never happen to you.
Sometimes there can be real pressure on the job, especially when dealing with several tasks at once. Keeping your cool and staying composed make life easier. Keeping your cool may not solve all your problems, but it should keep things from getting out of hand.
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